Friday, October 22, 2010

I have run the race!

Today one of my really good friends got into a college for soccer. When she first called me I freaked out! She had wanted to be accepted soooo bad and it finally happened. One of the main reasons that she chose her school is because of the soccer program, and I knew that she was excited to start. As I was thinking about her and soccer and college I realized that all of her life had led up to this point, especially her love for soccer. She had great determination and endurance through her life in order to become as good as she has, and if she didn’t work hard than she wouldn’t be in this place right now. She saw something that she wanted and worked hard to get it, she ran steadfastly after it. The same can be said about our lives as Christians! We have to be active in our relationship with God and constantly be trying to grow in Him. We need to run our races with endurance and not give up. At times our journey may get hard and we may want to stop. There will be days where we won’t see what God is doing in our lives and we won’t want to let Him mold and shape our hearts into what He wants them to be. There will be circumstances that God puts us through that hurt a lot and that we don’t think that we can get through, but God is there to help us finish our race! Run your race with endurance and then glory in the prize, eternal life!

Good job Livyy! J

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